Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electrical-Electronics Teaching
PhD Degree: The University of Birmingham
Research Fields:
Electric Machines
Electric Machine Drives
Power Electronics
Undergraduate: Erciyes University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering
Master Degree: Erciyes University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering
PhD Degree: Erciyes University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering
Research Fields:
Cyber Security
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Micro Grid
Smart Grid
Renewable Energy Sources
Power Systems
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Education Department of Mathematics and Science Teaching
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Physics
PhD Degree: University of Bayreuth, Physics
Research Fields:
Chaos, nonlinear systems
Electrical machinery design
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Erciyes University, Institute of Science, Electronic Engineering
PhD Degree: Erciyes University, Institute of Science, Electronic Engineering
Research Fields:
Control Systems
Fuzzy Logic
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Erciyes University, Institute of Science, Electronic Engineering
PhD Degree: Erciyes University, Institute of Science, Electronic Engineering
Research Fields:
Power Electronics
Control of Electrical Machines
Renewable Energy Sources
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Electrical Machines
Drives and Controls of Electrical Machines
Mechatronics, Robotics
Renewable Energy Sources
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Control of Electrical Machines
Power Electronics
Power Systems
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electronics and Computer Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electronics and Computer Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electronics and Computer Teaching
Research Fields:
Fiber Optic Amplifiers
Fiber Optic Sensors
Fiber Optic Communication Systems
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Micro Grid
Smart Grid
Renewable Energy Sources
Power Systems
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Control of Electrical Machines
Power Electronics
Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Energy Systems
SCADA - Smart Grid
Renewable Energy Sources
Computer Programming
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Intelligent Buildings and Industrial Automation
Power Systems
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Power Electronics
Control Systems
Electric Vehicles
Renewable Energy Sources
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electronics and Computer Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electronics and Computer Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electronics and Computer Teaching
Research Fields:
Power Electronics
Undergraduate: Ankara University, Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics
Master Degree: Ankara University, Institute of Science Mathematics
PhD Degree: Ankara University, Institute of Science Mathematics
Research Fields:
Applied Mathematics
Computer Systems
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Power Electronics Applications
Advanced Control Techniques
Control of Microgrids and Distributed Energy Systems
Renewable Energy Integration
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Power Electronics
Solar Panels and Solar Tracking Systems
Wind Turbines
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Power Electronics
Renewable Energy Sources
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Active Power Filter
Reactive Power Compensation
Electric Machines
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Power Electronics and Power Electronics Drive Technologies
Electrical Machines
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electronics and Computer Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electronics and Computer Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electronics and Computer Teaching
Research Fields:
Image Processing
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Power Electronics
Power Converter Applications and Controls
Energy Management in Renewable Energy Resources
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electric Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electricity Teaching
Research Fields:
Electrical Machines
Electric Vehicles
Renewable energy sources
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electronics and Computer Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Informatics Electronics and Computer Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Informatics Electronics and Computer Teaching
Research Fields:
Brain Computer Interfaces
Human Machine Interfaces
Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education Department of Electronics and Computer Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electronics and Computer Teaching
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electronics and Computer Teaching
Research Fields:
Fuzzy Logic
Control Systems
Undergraduate: Erciyes University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Research Fields:
Energy Harvesting Systems
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education, Department of Electrical Education
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Research Fields:
Automation Systems
Power Electronics
Control Systems
Undergraduate: Erciyes University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Master Degree: Nuh Naci Yazgan University, Institute of Science, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
PhD Degree: Ankara University, Institute of Science, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Research Fields:
Deep Learning
Biomedical Signal Processing
Biometric Data Processing
Electronics-Communication Systems
Undergraduate: Erciyes University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Research Fields:
Cyber Security
Communication Systems
Undergraduate: Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Research Fields:
Undergraduate: Fırat University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Research Fields:
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Research Fields:
Embedded Systems
Electronics-Communication Systems
Fiber Optic Amplifiers
Undergraduate: Erciyes University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Research Fields:
Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Electrical Facilities
Undergraduate: Konya Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
PhD Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Research Fields:
Undergraduate: Gazi University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Master Degree: Gazi University, Institute of Science, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering
Research Fields:
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