Bu grup; yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları üzerine yenilikçi araştırmalar yapmakta, halihazırdaki enerji sistemlerinin verimini araştırmaya ve sistemlerin çeşitliliğini artırmaya yönelik original çalışmalarda bulunmaktadır. Alanın geniş olmasından dolayı disiplinlerarası çalışma yöntemleri kullanan grubun temel araştırma konuları şunlardır:
Gruba ait Ait Ar-Ge Laboratuvarında Bulunan Bazı Cihazlar:
Seçilmiş Projeler:
TÜBİTAK Projesi, Proje Kodu ve Adı: 315M483 "Çift rotorlu parçalı nüveli yeni bir rüzgar enerjisi jeneratörü tasarımı ve üretimi", Başlama Tarihi :15/06/2017, Bitiş tarihi: 15/06/2019
TÜBİTAK Projesi, Proje Kodu ve Adı: 114E017 "Çoklu Doğal Frekanslı Temassız Piezoelektrik Enerji Üreteci Modellemesi ve Rüzgar Enerjisi Uygulaması", Başlama Tarihi: 2014 Temmuz. Bütçe 71,000.0 TL
Avrupa Birliği Ulusal Ajansı 2013-1-TR1-ERA10-48722 proje kodlu “European Workshop on Renewable Energy Systems” adlı proje. Bitti. Bitiş tarihi 30 Agustos 2014. Bütçe 46,848.00 AVRO.
Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı Ulusal Ajans, 2012-1-TR1-ERA10-36810 “European Workshop on Renewable Energy Systems”, Bitiş Tarihi: 30 Agustos 2013. Bütçe 44,070.00 AVRO.
Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı Ulusal Ajans, 2015-1-TR01-KA203-021342 , Başlama Tarihi: 1 Eylül 2015, Bütçe: 207,000.00 AVRO.
Seçilmiş Yayınlar:
Kurt, Erol, et al. "Design and implementation of a new contactless triple piezoelectrics wind energy harvester." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy(2017).
Gor, Halil, and Erol Kurt. "Waveform characteristics and losses of a new double sided axial and radial flux generator." international journal of hydrogen energy41.29 (2016): 12512-12524.
Zulueta, Ekaitz, et al. "Power control optimization of a new contactless piezoelectric harvester." international journal of hydrogen energy (2017).
Çelik, Kayhan, Erol Kurt, and Yunus Uzun. "Experimental and Theoretical Explorations on the Buckling Piezoelectric Layer Under Magnetic Excitation." Journal of Electronic Materials (2017): 1-14.
Bizon, Nicu, and Erol Kurt. "Performance analysis of the tracking of the global extreme on multimodal patterns using the Asymptotic Perturbed Extremum Seeking Control scheme." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2016).
Kurt, Erol, Halil Gör, and Umut Döner. "Electromagnetic design of a new axial and radial flux generator with the rotor back-irons." international journal of hydrogen energy 41.17 (2016): 7019-7026.
Kurt, Erol, and Yunus Uzun. "Nonlinear Problems in Piezoelectric Harvesters Under Magnetic Field." Energy Harvesting and Energy Efficiency. Springer International Publishing, 2017. 107-142.
Ramos-Hernanz, Josean, et al. "Novel control algorithm for MPPT with Boost converters in photovoltaic systems." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy(2017).
Lopez-Guede, Jose Manuel, et al. "Dual model oriented modeling of monocrystalline PV modules based on artificial neuronal networks." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017).
Lesaca, Jesus Maria Larrañaga, et al. "Measuring global effectiveness of integrated electric energy systems." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy(2017).
Lopez-Guede, Jose Manuel, et al. "Erasmus Innovative European Studies." International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education. Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Y. Uzun, H.H. Kurt, E. Kurt, "Explorations of displacement and velocity nonlinearities and their effects to power of a magnetically-excited piezoelectric pendulum", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol.224, pp:119–130, 2015.
Y.Bouzelata, E. Kurt, N. Altın, R. Chenni, "Design and simulation of a solar supplied multifunctional active power filter and a comparative study on the current-detection algorithms", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Rev. vol.43, pp:1114–1126, 2015
H Yucel Kurt, E. Kurt (2014). The Observations of the IR Sensitivity Enhancement, Negative Differential Resistance and Hysteresis in a Microelectronic Gas Discharge Device with GaP. J. Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 20(1)(55-58).
E. Kurt, B. Ciylan, O. O. Taskan, H.H. Kurt (2014). Bifurcation analysis of a resistor-double inductor and double diode circuit and a comparison with a resistor-inductor-diode circuit in phase space and parametrical responses . Sciantia Iranica -Tran. Comp. Sci. & Eng. & Elect. Eng., 21/3(935-944).
Y. Uzun, Ş. Demirbaş, E. Kurt (2014). Implementation of a New Contactless Piezoelectric Wind Energy Harvester to a Wireless Weather Station. Elektronika ir Elektrotehnika, 20(10)
E. Kurt, H. Gör, M. Demirtaş (2014). Theoretical and experimental analyses of a single phase permanent magnet generator (PMG) with multiple cores having axial and radial directed fluxes. Energy Conversion & Management, 77(163-172).
B. Dursun and E. Kurt (2014). Electromagnetic Design and Simulation of a New Fusion Device. Elektronika ir Elektrotehnika, 20(8)(34-38).
Y. Uzun, E. Kurt (2013). Performance exploration of an energy harvester near the varying magnetic field of an operating induction motor. Energy Conversion and Management, 72(156)
Yunus Uzun, Erol Kurt (2013). The effect of periodic magnetic force on a piezoelectric energy harvester.Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 192(58-68).
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